We are located in the heart of the historic village of Rodemack and will be delighted to welcome and assist you throughout your stay. A very warm welcome to the Cattenom et Environs Tourist Office!


Obligations and services

Provide you with a reception area and an information area which are easily accessible

Facilitate your formalities

Provide you with furniture for you to sit down

Provide you with a reception area and an information area which are easily accessible

Facilitate your formalities

Provide you with furniture for you to sit down

Provide you with information on local tourist attractions free of charge

Provide you with free WiFi access

Display and circulate its opening periods expressed in at least two foreign languages

Offer you free access to Wi-Fi

Be open at least 240 days a year, including Saturdays and Sundays during tourist periods or special events

Answer your letters all year round

Provide a permanent reception service handled by personnel able to speak at least two foreign languages (English and German)

Provide tourist maps, street plans and tourist guides in paper form

Allow you access to its trilingual internet site

Also circulate its tourist information in paper form translated into at least one foreign languages regarding :

  • All listed tourist accommodation facilities, including at least the name of the establishment, the postal address, the email address, the address of the internet site, the telephone numbers, the classification level
  • The cultural, natural or leisure time monuments and tourist sites, which may include an indication of the usual prices, the periods and times when open to the public, the internet site and the telephone numbers and postal address
  • Events and entertainment activities
  • Emergency phone numbers

Annually update its tourist information

Display outside the emergency telephone numbers

Present all qualified offers in its area of activity for all clientele

Deal with your complaints and assess your satisfaction

Commit to a service of quality

Provide you with an advisor on staying in the area

Guarantee the accuracy and current validity of information on local tourist amenities and facilities


Contact Us

May 1 to September 30

  • The Tourist Office is open all days from 9am to 12:30pm and from 1:30pm to 6 pm

October 1 to April 30

  • The Tourist Office is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 12:30pm and from 1:30pm to 5 pm

Address : Place des Baillis, 57570 RODEMACK

Phone : +33 (0)3 82 56 00 02

Email :